Ash Grunwald, renowned for his electrifying live shows and vibrant blues music, has inspired a generation with his road-trip ethos of 'surf by day, jam by night'. With a career spanning 12 studio albums and numerous accolades including ARIA nominations and APRA Awards, Ash Grunwald is celebrated as one of Australia’s most dynamic musicians. His collaborations with top artists like Josh Teskey and Kasey Chambers, and his album "Push The Blues Away" reaching #8 on the ARIA charts, highlight his enduring influence. Ash has supported icons such as James Brown and The Black Keys and played sold-out festivals worldwide.
His literary debut, "Surf By Day, Jam By Night," published by Pantera Press, has sold over 10,000 copies in Australia. Ash also hosts the podcast ‘Soulful Conversations,’ featuring insightful discussions with fellow musicians and surfers. Catch him at Big Easy Radio - Thursday, October 24th.